Parent Brochure!

Here are some pictures of my Parent Brochure (folded and unfolded-front and back).  Be sure to click at the bottom of the post to see it as a pdf!

I hand these out during Open House.  They are also GREAT throughout the year if I have a new student walk through the door, it is quick and easy to just hand this to the parent to at least introduce how my class is run and details they will need to know….without me trying to remember everything I need to tell them.  I have created these brochures in Word (Templates) and also on my Mac with Pages (templates).  Once you take the time to do one, it is easy to just pull it up each year and modify the theme or information.  Click on the picture below to go to Google Doc. to see a close up version pdf of the brochure. Hope this gives you some ideas!  Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

If you are interested in me creating a custom themed brochure for you, see my listing on 
TPT Here!


  1. Thanks =) The font is "crafty" I think from Lettering is *awesome*. And, yes, I am pretty sure Word (if you go in under new after you open a document..) it gives you the option of templates…and there is one there for brochures. Hope that helps!

  2. I always do this too! I done it several ways, and even created them on VistaPrint for free. Glad to see others are doing this too!


  3. oh my gosh! i love this! i am doing an ocean theme next school year and came across this. i am definitely going to have to do this for orientation night for my prek parents! they will love it! thanks for the great idea!!! i hope you don't mind that i'm doing the same. =]

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